To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question. So many prompts along the way. Are there ever good enough reasons not to write? I'll sum mine up, "I haven't been in the right head space to write." That should cover all my reasons that have kept me away from my blog for over a month. Today's inspiration was a poetry presentation live on YouTube. I heard so much of me in the poems, and questions and answers, I was compelled to post.
Making the transition from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Inland Empire, East of LA has kept me floating in optimistic happenings to missing what got left behind as I yearn for what once was comfortable.
Thankfully I found a writer's group which is beginning to fill the void. So what I offer up today is the free write from class this week. It is supposed to be a lousy first paragraph of a story. I think I succeeded in opening a sightless story, and I'm surprised by what I came up with. What was I thinking? You be the judge. Here goes:
Upon arriving at the local rundown 7-11, I almost didn't see the gunman pointing his gun at the ice cooler. Oh Shit! I thought trying to balance my shock on my dutiful cane, the one the doctor prescribed. I, thinking myself to always be Super Woman thought I could use my cane to fight off the gunman. But really why was he pointing his gun at the ice cooler?
Well as you can see, I'm a better poet than fiction writer. Maybe you've never seen my poetry, but take my word for it. I think I'll follow up on the other prompts I have ignored.
To recap: To Blog or not to Blog. I'll stick to my regularly scheduled musings on life and Blog.