Monday, November 30, 2015

Inchoeon Airport, Seoul, South Korea

It's December already, if you are in Korea like I am. I made it! (Ignore the above date. I wrote it last night, but I'm posting this today, December 1, 2015. We are a day ahead in Korea.) The trip from San Francisco to Seoul was pretty uneventful. Lost a wheel from my carry-on somewhere on the last leg of the journey. I still managed. The best part was finding out when I arrived in Inchoeon Airport, that my doctor son-in-law was called into the hospital and he would not be able to pick me up from the airport. So I had to take the hour and half long shuttle to Songtan. No problem, I had done it when I was here in September. The fun began when I boarded the bus and a young woman was in my assigned seat. I had to wave my hand in front of her screen to get her attention as my English words would not suffice. I showed her my seat number and she exclaimed in Korean and pointed towards the back of the bus. I had seat number 2 and I really didn’t want to find an unassigned seat in the back. I then had to get the bus driver’s attention flapping my hand in front of his face. I showed him my ticket with the seat number 2. He then exclaimed in Korean to the young woman and she begrudgingly got up. While that was happening, a mother and daughter were trying to get into their seats I was blocking while trying to negotiate my assigned seat. The mother exclaimed in Korean and my inept hand signals did nothing to quell her complaints. A people jam took place. More Korean exclamations! I finally pushed the young woman with all her packages over enough for me to get through; she didn’t seem to take notice that I physically pushed my way through. With the flow of traffic moving again a man who was waiting to board the bus queried the bus driver as to what was the hold up? Even though I don’t understand Korean, I understood the bus driver to say that the women were having issues. The man gave an acknowledgment like he knew full well what was causing all the commotion. Ah, women and their cat fights. I was amused. 

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